Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 34: This is home, Truly.

So I successfully managed to stay awake all night long, after packing and repacking my luggage, and then going up the Jiali and Diyanh's room only to see Eliza and Sheila sleeping, then cooking concentrated Milo and Curry-flavoured Instant Noodles.
And here is what happened for the rest of the day.
Cleaned up the room and took some last pictures as keepsakes.
My bed for the past 5 weeks, all cleaned up, almost
My table, and all the scribbles and doodles
The door to my room
All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
A quick bite at Wuhan TianHe Airport's KFC Outlet before checking-in. Pity the local students couldn't stay longer because the bus we came in is their ride back, and it can't park outside the airport. But I'm sure we'll see them again soon, in 1 years time in Singapore.
Playing with luggage trolleys while waiting for everyone to check-in their luggage
Just before boarding the plane to Guangzhou"Begging" for coins from everyone to see what we can buy
Counting all the coins we got, a nice 15Yuan, but unfortunately we ran out of time to spend them all. So we gave them to the class fund! Haha
Just off the plane, and I'm already busy on the phone haha
All our luggage collected and accounted for, lets go home!

Summary Reflection:
It seems unthinkable how quickly time has passed. Indeed it is as they say, time passes the fastest when you enjoy yourself, and boy did we enjoy ourselves. Arriving in Wuhan with an open mind, I accepted and tried many new things. Before coming, I was worried, for my safety, for my comfort, for my health, and for my finances. But 34 days later, I can safely say that I need not have worried so much, because Wuhan is a really wonderful city that I would love to return to one day.
The first 1 and a half weeks in Wuhan came and went very quickly, but I realized that I had not properly interacted with any of the local students, so I made the extra effort to do so. Now, it is quite unbearable to leave them, but thankfully, the internet will allow us to keep in touch.
Throughout our stay here, many locals have inquired about our background, and when we revealed to them our nationality as Singaporeans, many of them were envious of Singapore's reputation as a clean and green city. Although the Chinese Central Government and the Local Government in Hubei and Wuhan have used many methods to encourage its citizens to be becoem a more gracious society, many of the locals take Singapore and Singaporeans as role models, citing our No Spitting and No Smoking Laws as good examples. Coming here has truly been an eye opener, because I saw first-hand the priority the government gives to protecting the environment, while being told time and again by strangers their opinions of Singapore. Without their admiration for this city-state, I would not be as appreciative of this Singapore, my homeland. Indeed we sometimes need others to show us the kind of state we are in, and the warm-hearted Wuhan people has certainly done that for me.
Now that I am back home in Singapore, I will really miss Wuhan. The climate, the food, the friends I've made, and of course the people I was there with. I thank them all for making these 5 weeks a fantastic and memorable one, and I hope to see them all around campus soon.
See ya round.
Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong.
We treasure our heritage and take pride in shaping our own unique way of life
For me, the OIP trip can be summarized as: "Opened my eyes, Broadened my mind, Expanded my gut."

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