Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 26: Meeting Mt. Wudang\武当山

After enduring a long 5 hours bus ride, we finally reached the township at the foot of Mt. Wudang, and after lunch we went up Wudang to take a look at some of the attractions because we won't have enough time to tour these locations when we climb the mountain tomorrow!
Have a look at some of the pictures of me & my group at some of the scenic spots.
Today, I felt a little disenchanted when touring Mt. Wudang. Before seeing Mt Wudang with my own eyes, I imagine it to be a very mysterious place that is untouched and unspoiled by modern technology and practices. However, when I saw the rows of souvenir shops and stands, I could not help but feel how commercialized the area had become, especially since Mt Wudang is considered one of the holy sites of Taoism, a religion that preaches simplicity in life and freedom from materialism.
However, I also noted that despite the commercialization of the area, modern technology has also been used to protect the environment, such as Green Buses , and good practices such as ensuring that the buses are filled before setting off to maximize the efficiency of the bus and cut down on the pollution more buses would give out.
Thus I feel that although it is a pity that Mt Wudang has given way to the forces of tourism and capitalism, at least they make conscious efforts to preserve the environment, such as using Green Buses, banning Smoking on the mountain and putting up signs to remind people to prevent forest fires, and painting messages on rubbish bins to encourage people to throw rubbish in them instead of littering and even separating recyclable and non-recyclable waste compartments on the rubbish bins. In this area, I think Singapore's parks can learn from them, instead of putting up signs to inform people of the possible fines, I think we cna do with more positive encouragement.
positive reinforcements work better? note the left and right compartments, one for recyclable and non-recyclable rubbish

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