Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 25: Practical, Project, Popiah

And boy, am I glad I slept extra early last night, and woke up early today to prepare breakfast.
Why so? Because this Practical Test really demanded an alert and fast mind.
On the whole, it was quite okay, so I hope I did well enough to cover for my written test.

After Practical was project rushing time! Because we are going to Mt. Wudang tomorrow and the presentation/report/video draft are all due on Monday, so everyone is rushing to do their projects. The funny thing is, in everyone's mind, they had 2 deadlines. 1 for the Project, and the other for Shopping. So around evening, almost everyone had enough and went shopping.

For myself, I decided to do something different. Do you remember those Popiahs I was talking about in my previous post about the vegetarian hotpot? Well, I called the vegetarian boss and asked if I could go and learn to preapre and cook the ingredients for the popiah filling. And displaying the typical Chinese hospitality, he readily arranged a time for me to go over at night.

the ingredients
the final product, all cooked, mixed and ready
Last of all, the campus is finally alive again! After a whole week of peace and quiet, the place is finally bustling with life again!
Through a little white lie about our origins, the boss knew us as people from his hometown (Fujian Province actually, so technically a half-life), so he was very friendly towards us. When we finally revealed that we were Singaporeans, he was very envious of us, especially our attitudes towards smokers. More than that, his willingness to invite us into his kitchen and demonstrate the preparation and cooking methods for the filling after I told him that I liked it and wanted to learn how to make it really made an impression on me. Not only did he not take any offence, but he got very curious and took even greater care of us. When I offered to pay for the cost of the ingredients, because the big bowl of filling the chef cooked would very likely be wasted, the chef and the boss both told me that as friends, this is nothing, and don't be so calculative between friends. Although awkward, this really gave me the full impact of their hospitality.

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