Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 28: Second last lecture, A Lesson in Teamwork

Our second last lecture for Project Management, and as she promised, we did a short activity instead of listening to a lecture. I really appreciate the effort Ms Hock goes into preparing our lectures, because they are never boring, and especially today's activity: Make a bridge as long as possible and as strong as possible to withstand the weight of several thick books out of PAPER and PAPER-CLIPS ONLY.
At first, we all thought it was impossible, given that we were told that our bridge should be able to span the length without us having to hold down the ends. But after many discussions and brainstorming, we can up with a rough idea and proceeded to make it.
Building and testing, then improving and re-testing
After lecture, it was time for everyone to rush back and complete their projects! But first, we need lunch, so we went to Pala for our lunch.
While deciding what to buy for lunch, I saw the above banner hanging in the kitchen, which means "Pala Makes Hamburgers for the Chinese People" which I thought was quite cool, as hamburgers are a western invention, so seeing a Chinese fast-food chain promoting itself to the Chinese people sounds like a good marketing plan.

Coming back from Mt. Wudang and going through the activity, I have learnt the value of teamwork. If we just stick together and think of ideas, we can come with with solutions to overcome any challenges that may come in our way. Just like how we thought it would be impossible to reach the Golden Summit, and how we thought it was impossible to build such a bridge, we persevered and sought innovative solutions and accomplished our task.

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