Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 18: Afternoon Off, Party On!

Today, 1 October 2010, our kind lecturers let us off for the afternoon! Not only is today China's National Day, it is also Singapore's Children's Day! And for us, its also known as RESULTS DAY.
in one picture, Happy National Day and Children's Day!
After taking some time to update our blogs and do some work, about 15 of us met up for dinner. After dinner, came the main event! KARAOKE SESSION! In the end, only 10 of us went to the karaoke session at Jianshe Er Lu (建设二路), but it was still very fun, especially since for people like Dyana, Houng Sheng and myself, we had never been to karaoke before. From what the experienced ones (Eliza) I learned that the way they charged was different from back in Singapore, where they charge by per person per hour. Here, they allow you to book a whole room with a package (ours was ¥480) for the whole night and we had to spend the money on food and drinks to make it worthwhile since the songs were free.
To let off steam, we really sang our hearts out, and throats hoarse, forgetting about results (good or bad) and work (done or undone) until time is up and we had to return to the hostel.

When we left the karaoke, the drizzle that started when we entered the Karaoke lounge had turned into a downpour. However, that did not deter the locals from their daily life. We witnessed an old man, maybe 50 to 60 years of age, pulling a heavy cart with his wares hastily covered in plastic while he trudged on in the rain. If it were in Singapore, I doubt we would see this because we have shelters from the rain almost everywhere. Regardless, this struck me as an example of humans rising above adversity, to overcome the challenges presented by circumstance and environment. Not only do locals continue their business in poor weather, but also in old age and maybe poor health, which is something I find very admirable. Of course the reason could also simply be that they need earn the money regardless of circumstance to survive, but even then, I think street vendors in Singapore would simply just pack up and wait for the rain to stop.
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. - John Quincy Adams

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