Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 21: Tests & Tribulations

OH MY! What is that?
Yeap. Today we had our first (and only) written test for Project Management. Which begets the question: Why did we even go to the Amusement Park yesterday? Not that I regret going, but I think the last ride that I took really knocked some neurons out of alignment because I made so many careless mistakes!
But regardless, we must move on from our own mistakes, because that is how we continue to learn and progress. And speaking of progress, today I tried a new food. In my 21 days here, I have tried a lot of food that I have not tried in Singapore even though it is readily available, such as Pig's Ears, and lots of Chicken Gizzard, and local delicacies that can't be found in Singapore such as the Fried Bean Sauce noodles(炸酱面) and Wuchang Fish. Today, Mr Chia introduced me to this!
no, its is not a snail or slug or some slimy creature
As proof of how foreign it is to me, I don't even know what its called. All I know is that it comes from some part of the Lotus Plant.
And this is how the insides look like, but as for taste, it is quite bland and generally tastes like lotus seeds.

When in Rome, Do as the Romans do. When in China, Just Do It. Well not exactly, but the message I'm trying to convey is that we should not let foreign stuff prevent us from trying it out, because we have not tried it before, so how can we say we don't like it, right?
Although the taste of this lotus thing wasn't to my taste, it was still quite an experience trying to crack it open and peel off the hard shell. If we come to China and don't try what the locals try, then why even bother coming here, don't you think so?

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