Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 7 (Part 2): Dyana's Birthday Surprise!

At 9.20pm, 20th September 2010, all 17 of us gathered together to prepare for Dyana's surprise birthday celebration.
The plan was already set up, such that Dyana's roomates Jiali and Sheila would be with her inside the room, and when Eliza knocks on their door, they would make Dyana open the door. Once she opens the door, we would all sing Happy Birthday.
go, go, GO!
So, with the plan given another run-through, we proceeded upstairs to their room, and Eliza knocked on her door while we lit the candles. Luckily, everything went as planned, and Dyana was really surprised (no one wished her Happy Birthday before this), and we proceeded to blow the candles, cut the cake, eat the cake etc. And she fed my face some cream. THANKS DYANA!
apparently the green things weren't kiwis but cucumber?
Once the cake was eaten, there was an awkward silence before someone egged us guys to perform the arrogant dance from the Brown Eyed Girls' song Abracadabra, which was actually part of our performance. However, WE HAVE NOT EVEN REHEARSED IT TOGETHER ONCE! After much delays, we managed to cobble together a haphazard dance, so I called for a meeting in my room later that night to start rehearsing for our dance performance.
At 12.30am, the guys finally gathered and half an hour later, I'm glad to say that we've got 1/3 of the total dance down. But we'd all better go off to sleep because we've got OIE lessons the next day.

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