Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 5: Free & Easy Day 1

[Disclaimer: Long Post Ahead!!! And quite a lot of food pics]
The First Weekend in Wuhan! And its a Free and Easy Day! The local students graciously waited for us and then brought us to 江汉路(JiangHan Lu) which Zhang Laoshi, our China Culture Lecturer had recommended to us during a break. Taking bus 588, we went pass the 长江二号桥(ChangJiang Second Bridge), and saw the YangTze River for the first time.
Once we got off the bus, many of us were shocked to see a young boy doing acrobatic handstands on the street to beg for money.
Then, it was time to cross a busy road, which is never easy and always dangerous in China. But once we reached the shopping center, it was all worth it. We split into groups, so the girls went shopping while us guys went to eat some food. And look at what we ate!
Dumplings at Da Niang Jiao Zi (DaNiang Dumplings)
And once we found out that outside food was allowed, Liangxun and I went to buy some other local street-food. I bought barbecued Scallops and they were the best!!!
The lady cooking the fresh scallops
The end result: 6 pieces of heaven
The aftermath of 60 dumplings, 6 scallops and 3 sticks of meat
We then walked around the mall, but there wasn't anything that caught my eye so we just kept walking around trying to find the others. In the end, we coincidentally bumped into the girls and the other group of guys that left first while my table were still eating at the Dumpling Restaurant. We also met up with the other WUST students who would be bringing us around.
We were then brought to another shopping center there appeared to be some talent competition taking place.
3 Girls dancing to Girl Generation's "Oh!"
Then we bought ice-cream at Dairy Queen. Here's my Chocolate Sundae, which was really really chocolate-y.
Then there was also this drink that Liangxun and I bought out of curiosity, because the bottle was shaped to resemble a grenade.Even more interesting is that the drink inside was in a jelly-like state, and the bottle it says "摇一摇变果冻、再摇摇变果汁" which basically means "shake a few times for a jelly drink, shake even more for fruit juice".
After more walking around shopping centers, we reached back at the first shopping center and I went to buy a Fried Japanese-style Teppenyaki Beef Udon. Although like all Wuhan food, oily and strong in taste, I liked it a lot.
After that we walked out of the shopping centers towards the real "步行街", which is a closed-off section of the road meant for pedestrians only to shop. However, the place lacks an authentic feel to it as the road has been nicely paved and there are no street stalls or vendors, just rows of shops and boutiques.

Found right at the end/beginning of the street, this awe-inspiring monument is titled "收回租界"
which means to reclaim what was previously taken from you

And then, we went to see the YangTze river. Apparently, this last stretch of the YangTze river that stretches past Wuhan is called the Long River (长江) by the Chinese, hence I was quite confused. We all took the opportunity to take pictures at the scenic 汉口江滩 (Hankou Yangtze River Embankment), where we were unfortunately targeted by quite a few beggars.
Then, we walked back to the 武汉港(Wuhan Yangtze River Boat Harbour) to catch a ferry across the river back to 武昌(Wuchang), where our next destination and the WUST Qingshan Campus is located. The ride across the river was somewhat smelly, and very very hot because there were no fans or anything, so the only breeze came when the ferry began moving.
Then we proceeded to dinner at a food street. While everyone was hesitating, Hanhui and I went off first to buy some food. The first thing that interested us was this Goreng Pisang. Covered in batter then deep fried and accompanied with fruit sauce, chilli sauce and chocolate sauce, it was very nice to eat and sweet too. Meanwhile the other people settled in a dumpling restaurant, but there were insufficient seats to go around so we walked around the place to buy and eat as we go along. Have a look at all the food!
Wuhan-style Goreng Pisang (deep-fried banana)
Fruit salad, good source of fiber and vitamins
Deep-fried ice-cream, yam flavored. Oily but nice.

Today being the first time we have been brought out by locals to see the sights, encountering beggars of different shapes, ages and abilities certainly made me quite uneasy. From a young boy doing acrobatic handstands, to an even smaller boy being scolded by an adult (presumed to be a father/guardian) to pick up coins in the begging cup knocked over a pedestrian, to an armless man, and old men and lady giving deep bows in anticipation of some money. In fact, on the way to the food street, there was this young lady who was trying to sell flowers, and she was pushing stalks onto and into our arms while pleading softly in the local dialect to buy them.
Indeed I admit that I did not give a single cent, I feel that more should be done to help these people, who might simply be caught in a vicious cycle of poverty and unable to escape, just like their predecessors and likely their descendants too.
In fact, I am very thankful that Singapore is such a small country, and as a result the community welfare organisations have formed very tight nets to catch as many people as possible who are or are falling into such cycles of poverty.

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